Non-calculator percentages dot-to-dot

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Bob Jackson
Non-calculator percentages dot-to-dot
Main Subject
Key stage
Number: Percentages
Includes answers
Resource type
Student activity

A KS3 percentages fluency exercise to practise using 10% of a number to find other simple percentages which are multiples of 10%. All amounts are also multiples of 10.

The exercise is accompanied by a dot-to-dot grid and students should join each question number to its answer, using a ruler to reveal a phrase.

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I'm sorry you're having difficulty. I'm afraid I can't recreate the problem. Have you managed to make it work now?

Camilla Clarkson


When i print the PDf version the answers are not horizontal or vertical and certainly dont spell out any words. The numbers seems to have shifted and so are not in the correct place

Tony Maybery




I used this with struggling foundation level students; so much better than a worksheet.
